EUSWNC15a Control water mains connections to live networks in agreement with water companies


This Standard is about controlling water mains connections in agreement with water companies. This could be for in-line or under-pressure connections.

This involves obtaining authorisation from water companies and liaising with them during and on completion of the work.

This Standard is for water network construction managers who control in-line water mains connections in agreement with water companies.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:      

  1. obtain sufficient information about potential mains connections work from appropriate documents and specifications
  2. complete applications to water companies in sufficient time to get authorisation for mains connection work
  3. plan mains connections according to authorisations from water companies
  4. notify water companies about connection details before work commences
  5. complete connection documentation with accurate information and store it in line with organisational procedures
  6. provide completed work documentation to appropriate people when required
  7. provide ‘as-laid’ drawings to water companies in line with approved water company and organisational procedures
  8. notify water company when connection is complete in line with organisational procedures
  9. report work which is incomplete and not to schedule to water companies using approved water company and organisational reporting procedures

Knowledge and understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. water regulators and their role in relation to connections
  2. The Design and Construction Specifications (DCS) of the water company you are working with
  3. the legal implications of contaminating public water supply
  4. the regulatory and industry standards for water utility specific specifications for making water mains connections
  5. requirements by which self lay organisations can make water connections
  6. how to interpret drawings, records, work documents, manuals, and technical specifications
  7. activities associated with installing water distribution systems
  8. the roles and responsibilities of yourself and water company representatives
  9. water company and organisational procedures for connecting to live networks
  10. approved types of connection
  11. company procedures for communicating with water companies before, during and after live mains connections
  12. how to communicate technical information using written instructions and diagrams
  13. documentation requirements and how to complete and store them
  14. approved procedures to be carried out in the event of an emergency