EUSWNC7 Prepare work areas and materials for water network activities


This Standard is about preparing work areas and materials for water network activities. This includes taking account of climatic variations, ensuring work area is suitable for work activities, checking suitable storage of pipes, fittings, reinstatement materials and plant is available, obtaining and preparing materials and ensuring safety arrangements are in place.

This Standard is for water network operatives who prepare work areas and materials for engineering activities.  

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

  1. work within health, safety and environment and other relevant regulations and guidelines at all times
  2. comply with water quality regulations at all times
  3. make sure work environment is suitable for work activities to be undertaken
  4. make sure suitable storage of materials and finished products is in place
  5. make sure all necessary service supplies are connected and ready for use
  6. obtain all materials required in line with work specification
  7. prepare materials for network activities in line with organisational procedures
  8. make sure required safety arrangements are in place to protect other people from work activities
  9. inform appropriate people when preparations are completed
  10. deal with problems within your control without delay
  11. report problems that you cannot resolve to appropriate people

Knowledge and understanding

You need to know and understand:                       

  1. relevant health, safety and environment legislation, procedures and codes of practice including those relating to hazardous substances, construction design and management, work equipment, lifting, roads and street works
  2. regulatory requirements for water quality
  3. storage requirements for pipes, fittings, reinstatement materials and plant in different weather conditions
  4. appropriate preparation methods for variable and extreme weather conditions
  5. organisational procedures for the disposal of waste
  6. the impact of different types of work area on preparation requirements including densely populated areas, difficult access, remote access, inter-agency sites, highways, private land
  7. characteristics of different pipe materials and fittings, and re-instatement materials
  8. the importance of material compatibility with job specification
  9. materials handling and preparation techniques for pipes, fittings and reinstatement materials
  10. the importance of tool care and maintenance including security measures on site
  11. types of work area protection and safety requirements including screens, warning notices, shelters, cones, barriers, signs and lighting
  12. reporting lines and procedures including standard forms approved by industry or in company